
NBC omits "Under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance

Examiner: NBC omits 'under God': Christians angry - freethinkers celebrate

What's funny is... Most schoolchildren don't even know why they say the pledge of allegiance! It's just a formality to begin their day.
I didn't understand its significance until I was older, had more pride in my country, and started working in a school. That's when I started saying the pledge again.

YO.... The pledge of Allegiance is a beautiful piece of writing, peep this:

I pledge Allegiance 
to the flag
and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands.

With LIBERTY and JUSTICE for all!

First of all, just the name the UNITED STATES of AMERICA... is a beautiful thing. Divided we fall, United we're tall.

Secondly, most people don't know what a republic is. It's our form of government, it's not supposed to be an authoritarian rule, it means the people have power in the workings of the state. None of that 16th-century European monarch bullshit. And no, it's not exactly a democracy.

"ONE NATION," no more, no less.
"UNDER GOD," cuz he's the best! No matter what God you believe in, even if you don't believe in a god, go make one up! For real. Name him/her after yourself. I think this is the best part of the pledge, cuz when you say "under god," you include all people. I'll admit, my conception of God is as complicated as Mary's conception of Jesus. It wouldn't make sense until you understand it. I'll explain in the future.

I used to backlash against God, even just the idea of God. Why? Cuz I was a kid, I was rebelling, I was pissed that God took my father away, and I was like fuck that, I'm not gonna say "under god."
Then, somewhere down the line, I realized that whether God exists or not, how you live your life is up to you. So don't fuck it up! And don't be an ignorant lil bitch! Lots of people find more meaning in their lives after establishing a relationship with God. Why hate on that?

Plus, aliens exist anyway, so what makes you think earth-religions are the only religions?

Let's say "god" DOESN'T exist. Can't you still live your life as if he did? Yes! Just don't be convinced that your way is the only right way, don't push your beliefs on others, and keep an open mind to those who think differently. And don't be a total fucking idiot.

...with LIBERTY... and JUSTICE.... for ALL!!!!


Lupe Fiasco calls Obama a Terrorist (June 2011)

Just to clarify, he didn't mean radical Islamic Jihadist terrorist. He means the U.S. government, including Barack Obama, creates terror through its own policies, like foreign occupancy, corporate favoritism, and screwing up elsewhere (it's pretty easy to criticize and place blame). A little research will reveal a lot of inequity and unfairness in this country and in the world. To him, THAT's terrorism, he has a loose definition of what "terrorism" is.

Here's the video:

Also, especially as of late, U.S. and NATO foreign involvement is pissing off a LOT of people in Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, and Afghanistan. This is creating a new generation of terrorists. Meanwhile, they say we're making "progress" over there, it's such a paradox. 2-edged sword. The more we cut em up, the more than wanna cut us down.

I see his point, but I don't think he comes off well when he says he doesn't vote either. I can see where he's coming from though. He doesn't want to support all the actions, and sometimes atrocities, that public representatives are responsible for. He's so right-wing, he doesn't even want people to vote for a government.

At first I thought this was just a stunt to create buzz. And it IS that, but it's more than that too.
This guy has over 600,000 twitter followers, and over 2 million facebook likes. He's a popular artist, and doesn't really need to create a "buzz" to get attention.

I think he realizes he has a social power, and a social responsibility. And being in that position, with so many fans, he just wants to shed some light to the suffering and TERROR that's out there when you take a close look at America and the world as a whole.