
Fun tips for lowlifes

Here are a few tips for low lives. If you're a bum, or if you don't mind compromising your morals, you can get tons of free stuff.

1. Free pocket-sized stuff
It's pretty easy to get stuff for free, by simply shoplifting. Most stores don't have sensors. I even made an ode to that in a piece, called "Worse Thieves (Pilfering)" to be uploaded in my SoundCloud soon. Black pants and jackets with big pockets are the best clothes to wear for shoplifting. Avoid shirts that make you look like a hoodlum or derelict. If you have glasses, wear them, and you will look less suspicious. If you're gonna by stealing shit, don't look around beforehand like you're doing something shady. Stay calm. Those eyes-in-the-sky cameras can be intimidating, but have no fear... their blind spot is actually DIRECTLY underneath the camera. (thanks to MGS for teaching me this) Pilfering is an art. I don't recommend it.

2. Free toilet paper
In an actually Coffee Bean.
If you can't buy your own toilet paper, then with bookbag/purse in hand, go into your local Starbucks or Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, and use their bathroom! Most of them have a cabinet for bathroom supplies... you can load up on toilet paper, paper towels, even spray bottles for your stink loads.

3. Free hand soap
From the $1 section of Target, you can get an empty soap dispenser, and then stock up on soap in ANY public restroom, as mentioned previously. If you don't want to buy a soap dispenser, you can pilfer it, or use a Ziploc bag.

4. Free food/drink
Go to Costco, load up. Trader Joe's has food/drink samples. Albertson's and TotalWine have alcohol samples.

5. Free weed
The lowliest of the low is taking from your own friends, aka, people you know. For normal people, this is out of the question, but for low-lives... it just depends on how low you're feeling. Just ask to take a look at your friend's weed, inspect it, smell it, say "it looks really dank." Comment on the trichomes. When your friend's not looking, just take a small nug. Your friend won't notice, and will most likely by high, and also most likely not remember exactly how many nugs were in his possession.

Again, this is advice for LOW-LIVES and BUMS.
If you're a bum... Godspeed. If you're not, I salute you and your moral integrity.

If you have more tips, let me know.


Reflections on bboying/CSUF jam review

Just got back from a jam at CSUF: Clash of the Titans.

I. Intro
At first, I didn't want to go because it's a school jam... and because there was no prize money/tournament to win. 3 exhibition battles though. Sounded interesting.

My initial reluctance to go was defeated by the promising line-up of Foundation FunKollective DJs, the $3 entry, and because it's a SCHOOL JAM!

^seems like a contradiction since "school jam" was a reason I didn't want to go, but I really just changed my perspective. Plus, if I preach open-mindedness without keeping my own mind open, it would be wack.

School jams are dope, cuz it's dancing students. They get their chance to shine, in a way that they wouldn't in bigger jams like FreestyleSession. So they go hard! You got engineers, scientists, dudes in pre-med, designers, grad students, Internationals, etc.. Basically, a diverse group of cool ass people...who share a love for dance/music/hip hop culture. School jams are tight! Especially LMU jams....tf was I thinking.

On an aside: Hip hop is arguably the greatest culture of our time. As a historically new, yet fundamentally ancient, set of traditions, it is continuing to grow in a "glocalized" way. Glocalized meaning it is global (borderless), but also local (regional distinct). It is owned by no one, yet shared by everyone. Hip hop is both mainstream and underground. It's a culture of contradiction, which is a topic to be discussed in a later post.

II. Back to the jam though... 
It got pretty hyped considering most students are in midterms/finals mode.

Especially the last two exhibition battles! TINacious (CSUF) vs Archer (UCLA) and JC (UCR) vs Bangkok Dangerous (CSUF) - Go UCLA! Music was on-point. Tasteful DJs are so critical to a jam; DJ Abel, DJ Mel, and DJ Dwenz kept the dancers sweatin'—At least I was. Haha. I'm wack as fuck coming back from injury, and I still managed to get down the whole night. It's that Boogie music.

III. Competition Is On The Rise
The cyphers were fun too, but either I'm losing my touch, or these young whippersnappers are just getting fucking good. I've seen cats who started breaking after I did, get better than me! They definitely got some moves that I don't got. I mean, a lot of them still aren't better than me YET, but a good amount are on their way if they stay hungry.

I'm still training and doing my thing though, so if you're coming to get me, do it already. Quit talkin' shit. And don't call me out right after I just battle a cat, you weak ass fuck! You know who you are AHAHAHA.

IV. In Conclusion
Anyway, I'm happy to see more bboys in higher education. I don't think it was like this when I started. I creditz the Internet, TV, and Movies for the exposure. I also credit the dope ass bboys, promoters, movie producers, etc. who inspired a new generation of bboys, as well as the new generation itself that prioritizes dancing AND academics.

What are the implications of having so many bboys/bgirls/dancers in college? I don't know, but it definitely points to a changing landscape for hip hop. And a healthier, cooler generation of adults.

One day, there will be a Bboying Grandpa's tournament. Can't stop the rock.

Continuing that aside: Hip hop can be seen as a social evolution.
"Gangs put down their weapons upon the mutual awareness of their common enemy, and their common struggles. Born out of the urban ghettos of a stagflated economy, the practices of hip hop are sustainable, recession-proof... We session through recession."

^To be continued in a later post.

Last final note: I was extra glad to see people at this jam because I fly out to New Orleans at the end of the month. Damn, dope seeing you all. Community shit.


5/5 - Sinkhole de Mayo!

Yo... it's Sinkholes Awareness Day!

Sinkhole de Mayo!
Not to be confused with Cinco de Mayo, celebrated on the same day, when 4,000 Mexican soldiers defended their home from 8,000 French soldiers. This is a great article on that.

But sinkholes!

Sinkholes are swallowing stuff up everywhere. People... Cars...

Especially Florida,

But could be anywhere really.

Sinkholes Awareness Day AHAHAHA

Apocalyptic times shit. People are getting swallowed up by the Earth.

Look at this video from WorldStarHipHop!
Informative Clip of the Week: Extreme Weather Changes and Events March 2013

They kinda +dramaticize+ it, but that's REALLY what goes on in the world!

The first 2 minutes has this ridiculous sinkhole story.
The entire video covers crazy weather, extra large bugs and rodents, massive fish kills, and other current world anomalies.

I thought the locusts in Israel, mega mosquitos in Florida, and dead pigs in China were pretty crazy too, so that's a cool video.

Crazy world we live in,
Beautiful world we live in.
Awareness for Sinkholes!

Sinkhole de Mayo, May 5th

We need more awareness, cuz people are getting eaten alive. Some are never found.

So May 5 will be Sinkhole de Mayo, watch out shoddy infrastructure. That's what happens when you have NO FOUNDATION!