
"To express oneself honestly is very hard to do." -Bruce Lee/"Honest Expression" -Binary Star

^for the ladies
Ultimately "Martial Art" means honestly expressing yourself.
It is easy for me to put on a show and be cocky,
So I can show you some really fancy movement.

But to express oneself honestly, not lying to oneself,
And to express myself honestly, that, my friend, is very hard to do.

Bruce Lee
(From a soundbyte used as an intro to a Binary Star song)

And it was THE SONG got me into NON-COMMERCIAL Hip Hop.
If you've never been introduced to underground, let this be your introduction.
If you've been into it, then you already know the deal. Classic track:


Like sands through the hourglass,
So are the days of our lives.

And for that live moment we thrive.
Awakening as we make the dead come alive.

Rise and walk, my son, come into the light.
Inside the dark, we illuminate mics.

Give Knowledge to Mediocre,
The Will to Neanderthal.

Filter to the smog,
Digital to analog.

We steady advancing,
Rhyme enhancing,
Simple minds can't keep up with this.

[Senim Silla]
Imma put it on the table.
I ain't a thug n***a and player, I ain't playful.
I'm just Senim Silla a man without label.
Standing on my own 2, just trynna stay stable.
Speaking what I know, doing only what I'm able.

[One Be Lo]
I ain't hardcore, I don't pack a 9 millimeter,
Most of y'all gangsta rappers ain't hardcore neither.
Whoever get mad, then I'm talkin' bout you.
Claim you fear no man but never walk without crew.

I ain't got nothing against nobody trynna make a decent living,
It ain't the money that's the issue.
Only if that's the reason why you ain't making decent music,
THAT'S what I got beef with you.

This stuff hits the heart, and transferred a feeling that I hadn't gotten from Pop music.
But I knew from FEELING it, that I was into it.

I can't do this song justice by just writing/talking about it... You just have to isolate yourself from other distractions and be focused on the music.

-I know for many people who dig underground, there is that moment when you realize the difference between what you THOUGHT was hip hop on the TV/Radio, and what was ACTUALLY hip hop in the Underground and in Real Life. 
-And the main distinction with that is that the REAL RAW hip hop is an organic thing, not a manufactured thing. It's not cooked, processed, and presented on a platter for sale. But you don't need me to tell you what "REAL hip hop" is, you can see it for yourself if you know someone involved in the culture, OR if you are that involved person yourself. The manufacturing/packaging/marketing side is the business side, the commercial, it's commerce, which is important too, but that's not what makes it RAW. 

How does it become NOT raw?
-When an artists' sound gets TOO manufactured, and taken away from the essence in which it was created, it loses authenticity. (See: Nelly Furtado, Black Eyed Peas) 
-The plus side is that artists get money, the down side is that the culture, or whatever they originally stood for, is slightly watered down. It seems to be the pattern, the more you water something down, the wider an audience it can reach. Another way of saying it is "the best way to destroy a good counterculture is to water it down and turn it into popular culture." (See: Beats, Hippies, Rock n Roll, Punk, and Hip Hop)
-Change is necessary though, and so is making money, to an extent, so you can't fault any artist for that.

-For me, It just blew my mind, back in 2003. And it blew the door open for a whole undiscovered genre of music to flood my brain.
-But this song (along with "Reality Check") particularly changed my perception of what HIP HOP music could be.
-I didn't know this type of stuff could have even existed.

After discovering Binary Star, I got into BLACKALICIOUS....GIFT OF GAB and CHIEF XL.... Alphabet Aerobics,  then Chemical Calisthenics, then 
Make You Feel That Way
 and Swan Lake... Then I got into Pete Rock & CL, and once the floodgates open. They don't close. 

"85 percent represent ignorant"
^the significance of this single line was not realized to me until college when I learned about the 5% Lessons.

-Maybe it was the Bruce Lee sound clip too. 

Listen to the song here:

What you must hear is Binary Star's MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE album. 1998 Classic!


"I figure dancing's less about being a good talker, and more about being a good listener"

From my experience, the above statement has also applied to sales/business, teaching, and relationships.

It's interesting... the 14-year old me started dancing back in 2002-2003, because I didn't feel like a good TALKER, or at least I felt like verbal communication had its limits. And I thought it would help me get girls (it didn't). But in terms of being tested and challenged, dancing can certainly help build strong character, and abs (and that gets girls better, I think...Idunno haha ;P).

^breaking changed my life

I think EVERYONE, especially people of color, has had some form of SOCIAL ANXIETY... issues with self-esteem, introverted traits, shyness, timidity (due to media portrayal maybe?), and I've learned that dancing can bring great relief to that anxiety.

It brings HAPPINESS! And it's HEALTHY! So dance... even if you suck!

My wise friend Brian once eloquently said:
"Dancing is a natural way to express positive vibes in a social environment."

As anyone who has ever danced would know, it feels really good to just move.
Forget anything else, just enjoy the music and the moment. It's a gift.

Talk is cheap. And skills pay bills. There's people talking shit within the dance community; that's a fact, and that is WACK. Most of it is just bboys hating on bboys that they don't know very well... Competition is cool, but talking shit on people you don't know is some weak shit. Skills speak louder than words.

So in dancing, it's not about how well you can speak, it's about how well you can LISTEN...and REACT.


In contrast, the 17-year old me picked up WRITING RHYMES as a serious habit because of the limitations I then perceived in communicating with no words. Although communicating without words is amazing, because it transcends borders and can be felt as a spiritual practice, words that are carefully chosen, and emotionally charged, can have TREMENDOUS value.

That's why I write AND dance... 2 swords are better than 1.


"Hip Hop Lives." -KRS-ONE

If you haven't seen this video, view it immediately:


Because the Harlem Shake viral videos have made a joke out of a real dance, and a low-income area that is rich in history, I figure it's important to reaffirm that hip hop is still alive. There are forces watering it down, but hip hop lives.

Here are lyrics from the song about HIP HOP:

Hip means "to know" it's a form of intelligence.
To be hip means is "to be update and relevant."

Hop is a form of movement
You can't just observe a hop, you gotta hop up and do it.

Hip and Hop is more than music.

Hip is the knowledge
Hop is the movement.
Hip and Hop is intelligent movement.
Or relevant movement
We selling them music.

So write this down on your blackbooks and journals:
Hip Hop Culture is Eternal

Run and tell all your friends,
An ancient civilization has been born again.

These are the lyrics of KRS-ONE.
He's expressing the view that Hip Hop is ancient. Different people's scope of hip hop is different, so some people might think it's just music, some just fashion. For some it goes deeper than that. It's like some timeless, borderless, formless Bruce Lee shit. Many think hip hop is some commercial shit, which it is ALSO. There's an entrepreneurial side, a sort of hustler mentality.

But now that it's here, IT'LL REMAIN HERE, from '73 til infinity.

Her Infinite Power Helping Oppressed People

Holy Integrated People Having Omnipresent Power

I have more to say, but will save for later, and wrap it up for now.


Back on the Scene

Crispy and Clean.


'been cookin' some shit'

Sincere apologies for my absence. I see views coming in of people visiting the page for updates. :(

Sorry guys!

Here's the update:

After about 2 weeks of studying for the Praxis II Math test, and getting familiar with the duties of a new job, I have not been blogging as often as I've wanted. (Especially because I'm on another Google account most of the time now.)

But there's no stopping. Only breaking.

Here's a special treat, some RECENT FOOTAGE of me dancing without using much of my right hand:

But since I'm still injured, I will still keep writing, making rhymes, meeting people, and teaching classes/workshops.

Fun things to do while I'm not dancing all the time. Catch me at a local spot.

On a very positive note, I passed the Praxis II Math test, and I am now VERY  LIKELY to be teaching Math in New Orleans!!!!!!

Got a lot of great posts ahead!!!

Hint: Life-changing KRS Concert!

Go HEREhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FadzGGJiLTg