
Black Youths Beat Hispanic Man shouting "This is for Trayvon"

Headline: Witness claims youths yelled 'this is for Trayvon' in beating

Police still investigating claim in beating of Hispanic man

Source: Baltimore Sun - July 15, 2013

There's a lot of negative fallout from the Zimmerman verdict.
Trayvoning is one such example.

But this Baltimore story is another terrible example... This is real bad news after the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman verdict.


Because now colored people are angry at other colored people! They're tearing us apart! To quote George Costanza: "A house divided cannot stand!"

We got the Divided States of America here...

Simply, if people are mad about a court case, they should not continue the violence.

Stop the Violence! See: Davey D
See also: The Stop the Violence Movement (lyrics)

SOMEBODY KNOWS that the best way to PREVENT PEOPLE FROM RISING UP against a broken system is to keep them divided against each other. The sensationalization of the Zimmerman case is divisive in multiple ways, I will enumerate just a few:

1. Friends against Friends - Disagreement on the Verdict - Everyone's gonna have a different opinion on whether the verdict was right or wrong. This has caused more than a few arguments on social media networks. This "touchy topic" has even turned some friends against each other. No. Bad. Stop it.

2. Color against a Different Color - As evidenced in Baltimore, the Zimmerman verdict has turned minority groups against each other. Black vs. Brown, White vs. Black, Color vs Non-color... ain't no good. Can't we just get along and dance?

3. Community against itself - What does it mean to be colored and stigmatized in America? What does that do to one's self-worth? We got people criticizing their own people and reinforcing their own negative stereotypes.

For people who want justice and real change, we have to UNIFY against a common enemy, which is a broken system with corrupted parts—corrupted cops, along with incompetent political and business leaders. Instead of thinking in terms of "I" or "you," think in terms of "we" and "us."

Not all of them are corrupted, in fact, probably just a minority are. That's why it's no time for generalization, it's time for specificity.

Together we rise.
Divided we'll die.

Let's end the racism and start the embrace-ism. Let's give free hugs, literally or figuratively, and embrace our true relationship to each other, as Earth Citizens, of the Human Family, on Planet Rock aka Earth!

Rock, rock... Planet Rock.

A lot of us have experienced racism. It's real as shit.
Middle school, high school, even now it still exists.

This court case, and the subsequent fallout over its verdict, makes me question the justice system, the education system, the media/news media landscape, AND democracy as a whole.... more on that in a later post...

or maybe I'll make a song about it on my mixtape.


Forbidden Fruit

As far as new music goes, I like this song, "Forbidden Fruit" by J. Cole ft. Kendrick Lamar.

What I really like about the song though is that BASSLINE from Electric Relaxation

I don't like the idea of calling a girl bitch. 
I don't call girls bitches.
I call bitches bitches... guy/girl/gender neutral.

But to call girls bitches is fk'ed up.
I don't like it, I'mma go against majority of mainstream rappers for that, and I think that's 100% fine if I'm not like them. 
If I was a rapper, I'd be the type that supports the XX gender for what they do, everything they put up with, and the miracles that they are.

Start that revolution.

Girl power!

Of course....
Some girls ARE bitches. But some guys are bitches too. So to refer to girls in general as bitches is kinda fucked up I think. That's a bad generalization.
Fuck your generalization.
Can't stand an overgeneralization.
Understand? I take a stand.
Tragedy going on, like what's happening in Afghanistan.