
The News

Before I report any news stories or anything of that sort (since this blog is JUST starting), I gotta say something about the news. First of all, the stuff that goes on around the world, that's not the news, that's HISTORY. The News comes from the TV stations, radio stations, websites, newspapers, magazines, etc. that are telling you what's going on. I just want to make the distinction, which I'm sure most people already know implicitly. That's why I need to state it explicitly.

Secondly, there is a lot that goes on (big issues, events, scientific findings, etc.) that doesn't make it to the news because someone in the middle decided it wasn't important enough. It gets filtered through a medium. That doesn't mean it wasn't a part of history, despite its downplay by the media. And some of the downplayed history SHOULD be news, because the media is very selective about what they choose to report and also HOW they choose to portray themselves (ex. with phrases like "fair and balanced," "no bias, no bull," "the most trusted news station," "CNN IS POLITICS," whatever).

So that brings me to my point: CNN, what's the deal with CNN these days?
I turned on to Larry King Live two days ago and saw Joy Behar (co-host of The View) interviewing Alec Baldwin? I've been seeing Kathy Griffin (from My Life on the D-List???) for some reason too. Anderson Cooper and Erica Hill should be like... beauty pageant contestants. Veronica de la Cruz too. Prawr. I'm not even gonna start on D.L. Hughley "breaking the news."

On a slightly related note, CNN recently fired their "entire science, technology, and environment news staff, " and that includes Miles O'Brien and I LIKED Miles O'Brien... almost as much as I like Veronica de la Cruz. Now all you're left with is Dr. Sanjay Gupta. GREAT.


All that having been said, CNN is still a decent source for your basic news and updates on historical events, but it has its share of liberal bias and frivolous news and news commentary. So if you can, try to stay updated on the "main" news, and even go on Fox to get a more conservative view, because the "fair and balanced" part comes from YOU. If you know CNN has a liberal bias and Fox has a conservative bias, then obviously NEITHER of them can be "fair and balanced," or be "no bull no bias." Keep your SELF balanced by staying tuned to the liberal news, the conservative news, and of course, the independent news.

Related links:
Propaganda and the Media
Dan Rather speech on the Corporatized media
Media monopoly vs Democracy

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