
Dwayne Johnson/The Rock is still a Champ!




BOOM! It hit me like a People's elbow: The realization that THE ROCK was one of my first Southeast Asian-Pacific Islander HEROS!!!

I wouldn't t say I have too many heros, but I can't help it.
I like to see minorities repping hard... ESPECIALLY marginalized groups.
And The Rock counts as a Black/Asian/Pacific Islander dude, definitely marginalized!

Dwayne Johnson's been at it since the 90s. Remember the WWF ATTITUDE era???
Before the World Wildlife Foundation got on Vince McMahon's case... changing WWF to WWE?
It was the era of Rock and Mankind, Rock and Sock Connection! The Rock Says... Know Your Role! What's your name? IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS. The People's Eyebrow???

When I watched wrestling back in 5th-6th-7th grade ('98-2001 era), I knew it was scripted, but what interested me was when I learned there were HEELS (bad guys) and FACES (good guys). And a crowd-favorite "good guy" can sometimes make a "heel turn" and become a bad guy, or a bad guy can make a "face turn" and become a good guy!

I actually played that as a social experiment in 7th-8th grade, much to my friends' annoyance. Sorry for my "heel turn" in 7th grade guys. I was an angry kid rebelling. Fuck it though, I made an effort to "face turn" in 8th grade, so that's how I ended up President of the school. Haha.

So, the point of this post... I just saw THE ROCK again, on the big screen. While watching the previews for Scary Movie V (an awesomely bad movie, I highly recommend). He's in that movie Pain and Gain, with Markey Mark the rapper. The Rock's still in wrestling shape!

X-Pac falls to the PEOPLE'S ELBOW!

Good for him!
Samoan genes are BIG.

It didn't take much research to find his philanthropic charities! Check out Dwayne Johnson's Charity work, events, and causes! He's not just a good guy entertainer, but he's given back in a big way.

You gotta love THE ROCK man... he's the People's Champ!

Here's one of my favorite moments, when he fought Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine on Star Trek Voyager.... Combine my love for Star Trek with Sports Entertainment... game over!


The Divine Side of Music Theory

In honor of National Poetry Month, my recent interest in Pythagoras' life//Pythagoreanism, and my insatiable need to create, I wrote a new poem, in a new style.

A "21st-century style" from a 21st-century mind, they'll come up with an official name for it 100 years down the line, as science and spirituality continue to intertwine.

Harmonic Intervals and their connection to the Cosmos

For more on Pythagoras, the man behind the theorem, check out: Pythagoras, Sacred Geometry, and the Fundamental Language of the Universe (YouTube Video)

Introspective side-thought:
I figure I might go down like most artists/poets, with people not reading deeply into my works until after I die. Recognition of my work is growing organically, so I'll just stay patient, stay alive, and keep creating. Maybe someday, someone high up will realize the level and value of my writing, and we can make big moves together. I hope I don't go the way of Van Gogh or Sylvia Plath however...wouldn't want to be chronically depressed, or put myself in an oven. They made some good stuff though!

So here's my new poem in the Divinity of Music, if it doesn't make sense, just look up the words!


Music Theory

The heart beats a natural rhythm,
Oldest percussion known to man.

Earth tones sounding good
With melodics, harmonics, pentatonics... 
Gin and tonic symphonics evolve into electronics.

If God's music strikes a chord,
I dance to the melody, and its energy,

Climbing my way up life's arpeggios,
Weighing major scales, and minor harmonies.
Diminished experience, augmented reality.

Middle finger on Middle C. Music of infinity.
Transposed tales of a tragic story,
I don't want your sympathy.
Come together as a symphony.
No one wants to seem phony.
Sharp voices sing flat. It's not natural.
Complex progressions create dissonance
Somewhere between my head and sole.

From the bass to the upper octaves,
To vibrations unheard by human ears.
There, higher beings wave to greet us.


A little background on me: I took 8 years of piano lesson, 4 years of music theory, and somehow managed to pass the AP Music Theory exam in high school... bboying, poetry, and the history I learned at UCLA have shaped my world view... now I'm geeking on Pythagoras' connections between music, mathematics, and reality.

For more mind-blowing stuff, check the Wikiquote on Pythagoras.

Pythagoras spent years studying in Egypt

In case you didn't notice:
The numb#r of lines for each part of the poem (I wouldn't really call them "stanzas") follow the Fibonacci Sequence... 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8....


My Taco Bell Prophecy and UCI/VIFF Trip!

An alternative title to this post could have been "Why a Trip to UCI/VIFF had me in Tears"

I'm not much of a crier, but recently I've been allowing myself to cry again! It feels pretty good afterward, kinda like throwing up, or taking a dump, but more therapeutic. I recommend a good cry sometimes, if you've forgotten what it feels like. 

WHATEVER THOUGH. I went to UCI on Saturday for the Vietnamese International Film Festival (VIFF), and one of the films had me bawling! I had to refrain from making crying noises LOL. So here's the story, it's actually pretty upbeat:

Part I. My Taco Bell Prophecy
I parked near the Taco Bell and In-N-Out on Campus Street, so that I wouldn't have to pay for parking. The gay cashier was pretty cool, and much friendlier than the average Taco Bell employee. I like gay people (might as well be open about that), and I think I'll dedicate a blog post for that in the future. 

When I got my food, I asked the guys working if they thought Taco Bell was going to introduce the Strawberry topping into their new slush drinks, similar to the Fruitista. I thought a red and white drink would aesthetically be a winner. It wouldn't be bad to add some extra flavor and color to their Pina Colada, Mtn. Dew, and Pink Lemonade slushes, right? Strawberry-Pina Colada? Strawberry-Mtn. Dew? Strawberry-Pink Lemonade? Who could resist?

I figure they'll probably add this to their product line, it's gonna be a great idea, and they will make a ton of money. My reasoning is because Taco Bell likes to start with one new item, then add upgraded versions of the item (like the Dorito Locos with Cooler Ranch).

If this prophecy comes to fruition, don't forget where you heard it! The workers agreed with my light-hearted projection, and one of them said "Hey, check THIS out." He had a new creation and showed it to us. It looked pretty trippy, and he offered it to me for free. The reason I share this is because I believe things go your way when you're nice to people and smile a lot. They "messed up" my order and gave me free cinnamon snacks too. hahahahaa!!!!

Trippy pina colada/mtn dew/lemonade drink^

Part II. My UCI Experience (in pics)
It's a beautiful campus. I'm not at UCI often, so I enjoyed the scenery. The main walking path paralleled BruinWalk in several ways, so I thought "Cool, this is where the Anteaters walk." I took some picture that I found humorous:

Damn, people seem to need a LOT of help in math! HAHAHAH
When I saw this, I thought: "Oh yeah, I'm definitely at UCI." ZOT.
I do NOT know my way around this campus, but the organizers of VIFF were thoughtful enough to erect signboards. Well done, organizers, I applaud your efforts in putting together a quality film festival!

Fool-proof. Even I could figure that out. 

Part III. The Movies!
Going into a lecture hall with the lights dimmed and watching independent films felt more like a movie-going experience than an academic experience. How fun! Why can't going into lecture be as exciting as going to the movies? Certainly it CAN be. So why ISN'T it? Envisioning my future in education, I intend to make learning more like a movie-going/concert experience, than an un-engaging lecture experience.

I saw 3 movies: Return to Sender (which had me in tears), Awaken: Story of a DREAM Act Student, and Mr. Cao Goes to Washington.

I won't do a whole movie review, but in watching the movies, I was brought back to my undergrad years, when I was more politically vocal. I toned that part of myself down in the past few years for personal/professional reasons. Either way, this re-sparked my fuel. 

Cuz really, why is the Federal DREAM Act STILL not passed? It's a sensible piece of legislation, Obama has already endorsed it, AND it passed the House vote (I think). It does NOT equate to amnesty, and only allows the best and brightest with no criminal record a path toward citizenship. 

Realistically... I know this type of talk disengages certain people, so that's one of the reasons I toned down my politicized views... Either way, that shit needs to pass already so the government can take their tax dollars, and so they can work/create jobs. Comprehensive Immigration Reform is needed!!!

Speaking of change that is needed, the movie Return to Sender had me bawling. Mad tears flowing down my face. Shit is straight injustice! I felt a connection to these guys because I want to be a great father myself some day, and I can feel their pain being separated from their families... damn, it just hurt to watch, but it's reality. Most of them are Californians. Deported years later for crimes they committed as kids! Wack. 

For some reason, Blogspot won't let me embed the video, so I will just have to Link to it: 

Share the film to spread awareness!

Part IV. Final Reflections
After my dad died, it took a lot for me to cry. At least in the 12 years that followed, I didn't really cry at all. I used to be proud of that, because I wanted to feel tough. Guess the truth was that I had trouble expressing some emotions. It was a mixture of being an arrogant teenager, and being numb to the pain after losing my dad. It's no wonder that I started dancing shortly after to outlet some of those feelings. 

This post was a little bit more sober than my last one, but I guess that's life. Gotta have contrast. Shoutout to VSU @UCLA and VIFF!


What It's Like to be Awake During Wisdom Teeth Extraction!

I figure this story has some value.

Unlike many, I had the unique experience of being completely AWAKE and conscious of what was going on during my Wisdom extraction surgery. 

I had FOUR 3rd molars (wisdom teeth) removed, though only one of them was sticking out from my gums.

I was given the option to get knocked out for $800 or just get sedated/numbed for $400. If you want to talk to my friend Irvin, he'll knock you out for free. After some deliberation, and being very tempted to experience getting "knocked out on medical drugs" I decided to go with the $400 sedation-numbing method, which turned out to be a GREAT choice, and I saved 400 bucks!

Photo Cred: Victoria, the best assistant ever

The procedure itself wasn't too bad, I was awake throughout the whole thing and remember it vividly.

First was the pre-numbing gel that tasted like my mouth-numbing Benzocaine cough drops. Pre-numbing... sounds too close to pre-cumming. Not something I'd normally want in my mouth. But that day it was okay.

Then it was the 4 jaw-numbing Lidocaine shots. I had never been injected that intensely. Straight into the hard part of my gums. It was probably the MOST pain throughout the entire operation. But after that, I was numb TO THE MAX. 

Then the nitrous (laughing gas) started hitting. They strapped a nitrous mask on me to ease my apparent anxiety. And good thing too, that nitrous shit was fun!!!


Dental lights aren't normally blinding, but the one this guy had was fucking BRIGHT. They put sunglasses on me, and it felt almost like a comical situation. Coupled with the nitrous, I couldn't help but ask the assistant, Victoria, to snap me a photo! For memorabilia, she took 4!

As we waited for the Lidocaine to kick in, I kept inhaling the nitrous. Deep breaths, in through the nose, out through the mouth. Started feeling like a really fun form of meditation.

I was clearly having a lot of fun.
Soon, I was as numb enough not to be trusted with drinking water. The doctor started cutting my gums and yanking out each tooth. He said "Tom, good news buddy, we got the whole tooth out, and doesn't look like your nerve is damaged." That was relieving. I said "Thanks Doc, Thanks Victoria." 1 by 1, he pulled out the teeth, then stitched me back up. I was getting loopy on that nitrous though, I got the assistant Victoria to get me a pen and paper so I could write down some shit I thought of. Overall, $400 for a pretty fun experience. The worst part was just bleeding a shit ton from my mouth. But ya know... that's temporary.

Honestly, it was pretty horrifying to see my mouth full of blood. That's what I went through on Monday, and I would not want to do it again. This guy was a pro though.

Codeine medication wasn't really that cool. Just made me drowsy and sleep extremely well.

Kinda stinks that the new tooth that I used to play around with with my tongue is now gone.

I heard the knock-you-out medication is pretty intense, and can cause vomiting, nausea, or death. If I have kids, I'd get them on the nitrous! Save $400 that way too! LOL