
There Were Always Renegades...

...People willing to do something different,
Moving against the dominant culture.

"Since the Prehistoric Ages.
And the days of Ancient Greece.
Right down through the Middle Ages.
Planet Earth kept going through changes.

Then the Renaissance came.
And times continued to change.
Nothing stayed the same,
But there were always Renegades.

Like Chief Sitting Bull.
Tom Paine,
Dr. Martin Luther King,
Malcolm X,
They were Renegades
Of this Time and Age.

The Mighty Renegades."

A lot of people don't realize that this song was written by Afrika Bambaataa,
The Godfather of Hip Hop, 
Former Black Spades gang member, 
and founder of the Universal Zulu Nation.
It was made popular more recently by Rage Against the Machine.
Of course, bboys usually dance to the RATM version.

but WHO ARE the Renegades?

"Renegades are the people.
With their own philosophy.
They change the course of history.
Everyday people like you and me."

And the Renegades of FUNK? Who are they?
Of course, the generation born out of Funk,
Which is the HIP HOP Generation.

The Renegades of TODAY's Time and Age.

Half of yall don't realize your own significance.

Hip Hoppers are the Renegades of Funk.
They changed the course of history.
It would be incorrect to discuss the Origins of Hip Hop without mentioning Funk.
And it would be incomplete to talk about the origins of Funk without mention of the Civil Rights movement, and Blues music before that. It's all part of a larger struggle.

Are you taking part in changing the world for the better?
If you love Hip Hop culture, then you very well may be!

You heard it here: Hip Hop is a sustainable culture for the future.

The culture is tied to Knowledge, which invariably ties it to Education.
Ever heard the phrase "Each one, Teach one"?
If you have a light, you can light 1000 candles.
Know what I mean?
Because of that, Hip Hop is here to stay.

Still only 40 years young.
Still going strong.
What lays ahead?

Consider the famous first words of the song...
"No matter how hard you try, you can't stop us now."


Viciously, I Make History Instantly

GURU Rest in Peace!
He's Above the Clouds.

From my perspective, I will address hip hop figures as historical figures. 
These artists, educators, revolutionaries, and entrepreneurs have made an impact on the world. 
Economically and Socially.
Often, they are not given the credit they deserve. 
The world hasn't fully realized it yet, but the history they've made is profound.
Society tends to downplay the accomplishments of certain groups. 
More on that later.

Hip Hop is still a young culture,
But it has produced some historical figures in the past 50 years.
I will explain that further in future updates also.

This is one of many Gangstarr songs that changed my life. 2007-2009.
"Work" - off the Moment of Truth album:

Albums are meant to be played as a whole, not as single songs.
You wouldn't read just a chapter from a book. 
Read the whole book.
That's how quality albums are designed.

With single lines enough to blow minds.

If you put in work, you can watch your status escalate.
"I'm doing my thing now to lamp later on."

Great words from the G.U.R.U.
Moment of Truth album....peep the title track.

Other G.U.R.U. lines that stuck with me:
"It's often easier for one to give advice,
Than it is for person to run one's own life."

"I can visit any city, get respect in the streets /
While you alone in your room, shook to death of the streets."

Keith Elam aka GURU - Gifted Unlimited Rhymes Universal.

I will end with the legend bringing realness to the studio, in Europe.


In My Shoes, A Walking Sleep

All this "End is nigh" talk is making me sick of all the "end is nigh" talk. Shit was cool back in like... 2004. But now it's 2012. We should be speculating about the 2020 disasters now. Catch up.

Or peep this:


In my eyes, 
In disguise 
As no one knows. 

Hides the face, 
Lies the snake, 
And the sun 
In my disgrace. 

^Cool way to start a song.
Poetically written.
Cool song back in the day. 
Sound Garden. Not to be confused with "Savage Garden," a rather disturbing name for a group, now that I'm a little older and realize what a "savage garden" could possibly mean to a sexually ambiguous pop rock duo.

But BLACK HOLE SUN. If it's cool once, to one person, it can be cool again, to another person. Circumstance, permitting. 

The world won't end any sooner than humanity does. But if humanity ends on Friday, I'd be impressed. Will the world change as we know it? It kinda changes every day, as we know it. But Friday's a good inflection point. 2012 has gone by faster than any year. But 2013 will probably be faster... that is, if it even happens after my Roman calendar ends! We're at a cool place in history though.

Some people are approaching 12/21/2012 with no plan of what to do afterward. I wouldn't advise it. I'd actually do the opposite (and plan) because it's all about life AFTER 2012. ya knowww ;)

We should all know the sun is on a cycle of 11-12 years, and is currently at what they call a "solar maximum" where there is an increase in sunspot activity and solar weather picks up... I guess that increases the chances of solar flares, prominences, coronal mass ejections... some of those solar phenomena are more frequent than others, but they happen. Not too weird. But very cool.

Sun activity can mess up satellites and people will lose their wifi connection and shit, maybe stop some street lights... maybe cause earthquakes and volcanos. Who knows. Life can change, all it takes is 1 day. Doesn't mean the world will end on 12/21/12. Many people already experience a rough life. Many experience a great life. Some people just fuck it all up. Be on the good side of the era shift.

Don't follow sheep all asleep, know what I mean?

You can find the rest of the lyrics Here: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/s/soundgarden/black+hole+sun_20128204.html

That's where I got em.

"Fill Each Hour to the Brim"

The 1953 Version of YOLO

Look at this poem I came across in SF, written in Venice... Italy. 1953:

The author is this amazing 88 year old woman named Sami Sunchild. 
She's a beat/post-hippie/entrepreneur who runs a charming establishment.
I met her in SF. She owns the Red Victorian Peace Center/Bed & Breakfast
Haight-Ashbury type dish.

She's got a good mind for an old lady. 
The stuff she wrote when she was younger,
Her quotes on social entrepreneurialism, life,
World interconnectedness, and peace, are...
...guess you just gotta be there. Go stay at the Red Vic.

One of the toilet bowls has fish in the tank.
Every room (and every bathroom) is individually themed.
And they gave me Nutella on Toast topped with berries, for breakfast.
Best line in this poem, to me, is "Living now, What Might Be." Do it!


End-of-the-world-type thoughts

I was faced this question on chat:

what's your take on the significance?
what a fun question to be posed with

i think the amount of people who attribute its significance, is significant in itself
and that definitely says something about the collective consciousness of the society as a whole
to that date, and the 12-21-12 date
which, through thought alone, people have attributed considerable significance
does that make sense?
it makes sense to me, but does it make sense to you? lol

but that's just a start, cuz the astrology/cosmology alignments are pretty spectacular too
consistently beautiful if you take the time to look up at night
they're stellar
that would be the word for it
thank you for posing this question to me, you prompted that thought

-end snippet-

The conversation went on, but in summation, the world's not ending. Yay party time!
But if you party too much, you're world will come crashing to an end anyway!
So... building time!

There actually is some significance to this year, as there is every year. More to follow on that later.


I'll Flip It!

Note to self: Be in the habit of making something new.
There's no reason to carbon-copy when you can flip.

Make something new. Do something new.
This one's for you:

Stay tuned for part 2.

Hidden bonus pic:
Space Plank (2003)

Dance Class Announcement!

That's what's happening now.

Meet Your Instructors:
Tom Nguyen - 10yrs dance experience, UCLA grad, teaching since 2007
Primary style: breaking/bboyin - Favorite move: Zombie Banana
Early influence: IVAN the URBAN ACTION FIGURE

Mi Tran - dancing since 12yrs old, UCLA grad, Psychobiology major
Style: hip hop/bgirl/waacking/choreo - Co-founder of The BoomCats
Early influence: AALIYAH


The Academy of Math, Physics, and Breakdancing

In the future, I will start this academy/workshop/learning module. 

Mission: to deconstruct and reconstruct the study of MATH, BIOPHYSICS, 
and NORMAL PHYSICS through a visual framework of DANCING. 

Vision: to make the study of math and physics more engaging,
 and to inspire a new generation of scientists and astronomers.

This will become a part of the enrichment education for students that I serve.

Here is a short preview:

In other news, I will be teaching DANCE CLASSES IN ORANGE COUNTY, 
on Saturdays and Tuesdays. Flyer coming soon!


Veteran's Day Honors

Peace to brothers and sisters fighting overseas.
No love for piles of garbage over seas.
No love for power abusers and overseers.
Or Tyrants like Julius Caesar, who over-seize.


His name is Julius Caesar (Seize her). 
He suffered from Seizures.

-Tom T. N.

(I did not think of the dog tags quote, nor did I make the dog tags meme)
(I DID think of the Seizure/Caesar quote)

Who Is Really In Charge? (by Jim Rohn)

Sharing an e-mail I received from my Jim Rohn Newsletter today. Copied and pasted completely, I claim no credit for the gems dropped by Jim. I bolded some of the words. All the insights are his own. You can sign up for his newsletter for FREE, at http://jimrohn.com/.

Who Is Really In Charge? by Jim Rohn
Finally, the elections are over. Some of you are certainly very happy and some are probably unhappy with the outcome and that is to be expected. Every four years we Americans participate in this grand experiment called America and we elect a President to lead us. That of course spurs lots of different opinions and positions and people can become emotionally involved with the outcome.
One thing that I always find fascinating in all elections, but especially the presidential elections, are the many promises that candidates make to the electorate. They promise to make the economy better and to make health care more affordable for the masses. They promise to make the taxes better and to create jobs.
As I think about this, I want to challenge you to consider that while a President may have a general effect on your circumstances, they do not have a specific effect on your circumstances. Let me explain: While they may play a role in what direction the stock market goes, they do not have an effect in how an individual stock goes, or in whether or not you can make money in the stock market. So, while we certainly should vote and participate in the process, we must understand that no single person –other than you – will have an effect on what your individual life outcome is.
Let me give you some more examples:
A President may promise a better economy but you determine your economy. They may affect whether the dollar gains strength or loses it, but you determine what your financial position is going to be. The fact is that even in the worst economies, including recessions and depressions, there are those who will continue to thrive and even become extremely wealthy. In the great depression, there were countless people who, because of their individual efforts, became millionaires. So, no matter what the economy is nationally, you can become wealthy in the next four years. You don’t have to wait for anyone.
A President may promise to create jobs, but the only person who is going to create YOUR job is you! You determine whether or not you have a job. The President doesn’t, the economy doesn’t, and the industry doesn’t. No matter how bad things get, there are always those who have good paying jobs. You choose what kind of person you will be, and how valuable you will make yourself to the marketplace and thus, what kind of job you will have. So, no matter what the job situation is nationally, you can have any job you want in the next four years. You don’t have to wait for anyone.
A President may promise to do something about taxes, but no matter what the tax rate is, you can still build your personal wealth. Much of my wealth came to me when we still had extremely exorbitant tax rates. I have often said that if you want to be a millionaire and the tax rate is 50%, then just make two million. You determine how much you will have left after taxes, not the government. If you don’t like what you have left, make more. Now, am I saying we shouldn’t work to lower tax rates? No, but I am saying that we can be in control of our own lives regardless of the tax rate. So, no matter what the tax rate is, you can earn more money in the next four years. You don’t have to wait for anyone.
A President may promise to make your health care available to you but you can make health care available to yourself! It isn’t that people can’t afford it; it is that you can’t afford it. What is the answer to that? The empowering answer is to do what it takes to put yourself in a financial and career situation wherein it doesn’t matter what the cost is, because you can afford it. Again, I am not saying that we shouldn’t work to make health care affordable for people, but when you leave it in the hands of someone else, then you make yourself dependent upon them, rather than becoming independent.
The fact is that you control your life. You control your destiny. You chart your course. Those we elect are not the givers of our financial lives. I sometimes think that many people think that if we can just get the “right” person elected, then their lives will suddenly take a turn for the better. Not true. You determine the outcome of your life.
In locking, we call it Uncle Sam Points! 
"Uncle Sam points"
Fortunes will be made in the next four years, no matter what. Some people will join the ranks of millionaires. That is amazing. The only question you have to ask is whether or not you will be one of them. People with high skills will always be in demand for high paying jobs. People who have a superb product or service to offer will always be in demand.
Did you vote? That’s great – we should as our civic duty. But the most important thing is not whether your candidate won or lost, but what kind of decision you will make about your own life, your own career, and your own financial situation, no matter who is in office.
Do that, and the world is yours for the taking.
(and I got the picture from this education article http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/curriculum/2008/08/a_few_good_test_experts.html )

Elections Are Over! Now what?

Thought this picture was hilarious:

Here's my intro:

4 more years of Barack-racy! Some Americans are elated, while some want to secede from the union!
Others don't care, retreating from politics altogether. And... Maybe they have a good reason not to care! I will actually argue for this position, to an extent. 
Who's living in the White House? And how much does that matter to the person living in YOUR house? Sure, their White House policies might affect you, but not as much as how YOUR OWN policies and philosophies affect you, your relationships, your bank account, and your quality of living.

^that's my thesis. Let me support that:

As with most Presidential campaigns, both sides made hard-to-keep promises to garner support! The winning side has done it twice in a row. Hope, Change, and Progress... Yes we can! Yeah, that's all good, BUT... There's a lot of political friction... and that's not supposed to be a gross double-entendre about government officials type-of-thing, but it could be... either way, it means that change from Washington happens pretty slowly, and is met with resistance. Institutions are slow-moving. Their changes can take anywhere from months to years to have an effect on society. 

Not to mention, there will ALWAYS be people in America, by way of democracy and freedom, fighting adamantly against whoever's in office. Like I say, "when you have a top position, you'll also have opposition."

From the home-owners to the homeless...
As much as Americans want change, there's a lot standing (or possibly sitting comfortably) in the way of that change. At least from the top. But for me and my friends, change starts from the bottom. Change starts where the people are.... The people change, the politicians respond. The businesses respond. The institutions respond. And the nation changes.

What's wrong in your life? If you don't like where you are, change that! Do something different in the next 4 years, so that you end up somewhere you'd prefer to be. Exercise your imagination. Change can be fun, it doesn't have to be torture! In your house, you are the commander-in-chief!

All I'm saying is: Take Responsibility
Your actions (and inactions) yield your results.
Your situation is your creation. The solution is you, friend.
When you take more responsibility, you receive more direct control.

Don't rely on anyone else for the specific matters of your own life.

Here's my conclusion:

Candidates saying they'd do this and do that.
But when they get elected, well they can't do jack.
Change within the office hardly matter, that's a fact.
Change within the self is where the power's really at.

-Tom T. N.

(the topic of this post has been on my mind, but I wasn't compelled to write about it until I got THIS in my email)
(and I got the picture from disappearingromney.com)


The real OC

- Fountain Valley,
A nice place to live if you're lamping out in Cali.
We're low on diseases, and got Huntington's beaches.
Probably not the cleanest, you know how the scene is.

Cool breeze on the beachfront, but subculture boiling.
Rotten brats spoiling; Lower class toiling.
Upper class oiling. Kids in class FOILing.
- It's all poison.

Bboys will be boys, and it's her choice to sin,
Rejoiced and moistened. I'm saucin' like Hoisin.

Pretty major with the flava.
From Beach Street to Slater.
To the stands of Alta Dena.
To the bars I'm not a stranger.

Which poppin' bar are you taking shots in for?
Is it Proof, Crosby, or the Copper door?
Rock some more over in HB by the shore.

Hit the pier with my peers.
2-sided HB is more than it appears.
What goes on here, I normally wouldn't share.
Be aware, and beware of the temptations that are there.
Guys with long hair.
Girls who don't care.
It happens underground,
coming off like underwear.
But those who are unaware
Have to ask "under where?"

The Real OC, land of Original Criminals.


Not a history lesson

This blog isn't meant to be a history lesson. If a hip hop history lesson is what you want, great books are available, and so are OGs all over the country with a lot of stories. 

Can't Stop, Won't Stop, by Jeff Chang - Explains how early hip hop in the 70s (before it was known as "hip hop") emerged in the ghettos from the ashes of the Civil Rights movements in the 60s. CIVIL RIGHTS UNREST CONTINUED INTO THE 70s, in a stagflating nation where living standards in high-poverty urban communities were hit the worst, i.e. South Bronx, Philadelphia, Detroit, etc. This is a seminal work on the history of hip hop, a MUST READ for anyone in the 21st century. Or just subscribe to my blog, cuz I've read it. You should still read it too. If you've already read it (at least some of it), you can relate.

It's Bigger Than Hip Hop, by MK Asante - This 2008 book is written with a fresh style, and details the rise of the post-hip hop generation. That is, the growth and proliferation of hip hop OUT of the cities and into the suburbs, into other countries, into the media, into your wardrobe, into YOUR life, right now. Asante also connects hip hop with West African culture. What we think of as a 40-yr old culture actually goes back much further, as percussion and vocals (essentially rap), and dance, are ancient traditions, ORIGINAL INSTRUMENTS. Yeah, it gets deep, it's truly much greater than hip hop. "hip" means to know, it's a state of awareness. "hop" is a movement, like Lindy Hop. I highly recommend this book.

I offer another perspective, and I'm always open for a discussion/conversation about this great culture. I come from a perspective of A HIP HOPPING, WIT TALKING, FULL PASSION, BOWL CASHING, NEWS-LOVER AND UCLA ALUMNI. I AM A STUDENT OF HISTORY AND CIVIC ENGAGEMENT, HIGHLY INTERESTED IN SCIENCE, NATURE, GOD, COMMUNITY, MUSIC, AND CURRENT EVENTS. 

You can't really force yourself to become inspired,

It just has to strike you like a cranky bitch that's tired.

Don't like to waste my time, arguing over Pro Keds.
Cuz I seen them Occupyin', I been there with the Broke Heads.
And in the streets they're crying, the fucked up lives of Coke Heads.
Which industries are hiring? Who's rising? Who Rose from the Red?
Leaving No Shreds of Old Ev, Some get their Nose bled
For a Loaf of Bread. It ain't funny, the Joke's Dead.
We can't stay stagnant, gotta get around like Mopeds.
To keep it moving. And keep improving.
Winning or losing, the life you design is your choosing.

So what are YOU doing? With your life, are you boozing?
Vice pursuing and screwing, or schoolin' like a student?
It's neither nor; but both if you know how to read the score.
Explains why some people poor, and eagles soar. 
Opportunity knocks, so step outside your Ego's door.
Look beyond the surface, with a purpose, see the core.
See the SEA, or see the shore.
Me or yours, who needs it more? 
Probably the hero who needs to be more secure.
With a wife and two kids, you'd have to feed all four.
I'll battle with myself just to defeat the floor.
Wouldn't wanna get with a schemy whore, 
West coast, do it for the beaches, and bikini tour!

Find me at the frontier, I'll be in the front here.